Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Let the hills sing for joy

Absolutely one of my favorite parts of this trip so far. Visiting the African countryside. We traveled to a part of the Nairobi National Park, and did a walk through safari! The paths, wildlife, and views were incredible. During our walk, we realized we were basically the only people there, so we took our sweet time. When we spotted the Rhino, I almost could not believe my eyes. Of course I have seen one before, but let me tell you, this guy was a monster. Literally the most colossal one I have ever seen. His horn was at least 3 feet tall! Oh yes.. Just around the corner from my new big friend were white and gray zebras! They had been rolling in the dirt, so they were covered in red dirt, but these zebras were far from what we see in American zoos. The boardwalk escalated into bridges the stretched for hundreds of yards, raising us at least 50 feet into the air. While we were walking we noticed the view, and the small river beneath us. God is phenomenal with the details he puts into creation. It is one of the most humbling feelings.
"Let the rivers clap their hands, let the hills sing for joy together."
Psalm 98:8


Harmony said...

Wow! So glad you got to experience that. God's creation utterly amazes me sometimes :-)

Harmony said...
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