Sunday, March 3, 2013


"Getting ready for Kenya's presidential elections tomorrow- I realized the feeling of anticipation I have is familiar. It's like getting ready for a hurricane. They tell you it's coming, so prepare as best you can (supplies and plans). No one knows for sure how severe it might be so we wait and hope for the best. We are praying for peace, security and the future of a nation. - Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Said my African father.

We prepare by purchasing enough food such as rice, beans, sugar, ugali, to last for a couple of days. We will remain in the house, and I will not be going to the center in N'gando to teach for at least 2 days. Daily, we are praying for a peaceful election. Praying that those who have the courage to go vote remain safe, and vote for the person not from their tribe, but who has the best interest in Kenya's future.

As I sit on our porch with the sun streaming across my computer, the world seems to be at peace before tomorrow's election. I can hear children playing, birds singing, and music from the locals in the slum just down the path. The past few days, the candidates for the elections have been campaigning like crazy. Buses with people shouting who to vote for, flyers pasted everywhere, airplanes flying overhead with faces of the candidates, people walking the streets convincing locals to stay loyal to their tribal leaders, and not who is politically fit for the job. This act is called Tribalism. You can be proud of your tribe, but when it turns into tribalism (racism ultimately) it is wrong.

Fortunately, the slum that we live in had no violence last election. Only because the people who kept it safe, are actually the local terrorists. Whoever tried to start a protest, or trouble of any kind were either beaten, or killed. Ultimately, we try to make friends with them because you sure don't want to be on their bad side.

Pray for peace throughout Kenya. Pray for no violence. Pray for the people to be safe, and vote who is right to run this broken country. God already knows what is going to happen over the course of the next few days. He knows who will be leading this country, and what the future will be for these people. We just have to trust.

1 comment:

stayarthomemom said...

Wow. This is amazing. I watch the news and get SO frustrated at the way our country is divided and polarized. I get tired of the disagreement and the politics and just want everybody to act like grown-ups and work together. But your story makes it obvious that even in the midst of that frustration, I am so blessed. I have never had to fear for my life or for my children's safety. I never have to stay home because of the local politics. Thanks for sharing this, Olivia! It made a big impact on my day. I am so very fortunate to live in a country that is safe. Keep trusting! Know we love you.